Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Can You Guess Anne's Reaction?

Question 1

Anne is turning 45 this year. How do you think Anne is mentally processing this?

Like this....?
(scroll down the page)

Anne being consoled as she approaches her 45th birthday.

Or... (scroll down)

Is Anne gracefully approaching her 45th birthday like this...?

The beautiful and gracious woman that I married 23 years ago?

(Scroll down for question 2...)

Question 2
Will Ken still be married to Anne when Anne turns 45 on February 17 after she sees this blog?

You can vote by clicking on the "Comment" button below


Anonymous said...

For Anne, I think the latter. But Ken,
you're a dead man!

Anonymous said...

You know, I do recognize Ken in the photo. But I don't see Anne anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Anne: Happy Birthday, and you have our permission to slap him silly!
- Carey & Elaine

Anonymous said...

I expect Anne will look at Ken and say I don't tremember taking that first picture of you. Ken you are a blessed Man.

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday anne!im looking forward to your 50th birthday blog posting!(as your 40's will fly by in a blur!) love, janet in huntington

Anonymous said...

Since I'm turning 50 in a few months, you still look like a little girl to me!

Guess who. RI