Scene I
Location: JAARS Computer Support Department.
Time: June 17, 2006
Edith Enduser [dialing JAARS Helpdesk and getting another busy signal for the 3rd time]: “Oh, drats! Busy again.”
Edith Enduser [dialing JAARS Helpdesk once again]: “Cool! The phone is ringing. I’m safe now.”
[Phone rings] Harry Helpdesk: “Hello. JAARS Computer Support. May I help you?”
Edith Enduser: “Yes, thank you. I’m calling from Brazil and my e-mail isn’t working. Can you help me?”
Harry Helpdesk: “Let’s see what I can do. Tell me more about the problem.”
[Harry listens to the problem and verbally walks Edith through the solution, assuming she is completing every one of his instructions exactly as directed – a dangerous assump-tion as it turns out!]
Scene II
Location: West Nicoast, Indoguniea.
Time: June 17, 2006
[Phone rings] Nicky Netman [after 5 rings]: “Pick up! Oh, no, I just remembered. We’re 14 time zones before JAARS and they’re still sleeping. [Nicky, under his breath] I’m hav-ing problems with my Windows 2003 server and no one is available for help. [Nicky, loudly] I’m mad as Hades and won’t take it anymore!”
Harry Helpdesk: “zzzzzzzz”
Curtain draws; shuffle, shuffle; curtain rises slowly
5 Months later
Scene I
Location: JAARS Computer Support Department.
Time: November 17, 2006
Edith Enduser [living in Brazil]: “My e-mail isn’t working for some reason. I’ll just use my trusty web browser and submit a service request in the new JAARS Helpdesk sys-tem.”
Harry Helpdesk: “We have an e-mail service request from Edith. I’ll connect to her computer and fix it right away.”
Harry Helpdesk [sending an instant text message to Edith]: Hi Edith. We’ve received your service request. Is it OK to remotely control your computer and see what the problem is? Yes?” [Harry remotely controls Edith’s computer]: “Edith, just relax and allow me to take control of your com-puter and we’ll have the problem fixed in no time.”
Edith Enduser: “Thanks so much, Harry. I’m so thankful for this new recently installed JAARS Helpdesk system. I can submit a service request for my e-mail problem via my trusty web browser and it is automatically routed to the correct person. You contact me, remotely control my computer, and fix the problem so fast. You’re my hero!”
Scene II
Location: West Nicoast, Indoguniea.
Time: November 17, 2006
Nicky Netman: “I’m having problems with my Windows 2003 server and, although everyone at JAARS is sleeping, I know I can submit an online service request and it is auto-matically routed to Singapore. And Singapore is in MY time zone. This is too cool!”
[Service request is routed to Singapore and Sammy Soft-ware, Steve’s brother, helps fix the problem. Nicky smiles, happy to know that the JAARS tech support staff are still soundly sleeping].
Harry Helpdesk [sawing logs]: “zzzzzzzz”
Although highly dramatized [could you tell?], these are just some of the life-like scenarios that Ken has been attempting to address at JAARS. Ken has been spearheading the selec-tion of an enterprise Helpdesk system for the last six months. He has evaluated close to 50-60 Helpdesk software packages and, as of June 17th, has narrowed the selection down to the top three. The plan is for Ken and his counterparts from Or-lando and Dallas to narrow that small list to the two top fi-nalists and then to set up demonstrations with our organiza-tion’s network administrators and security specialists. The final selection should follow shortly thereafter.
But, our organization is very complex in that, although we all support Bible translation, the JAARS, Orlando, Dallas, and other centers are distinct corporations with unique work flows and business needs. Meeting the complex and unique work flow needs for three [and soon to be six] support cen-ters, addressing licensing restrictions, meeting browser com-patibility issues, and other organizational anomalies has proven to be quite a challenge. But, we’re confident that the system will greatly enhance our ability to provide regional, and, with the help of Wycliffe UK and Singapore, 24x7 world-wide computer support. With Bible translation highly dependent upon computers, we strongly believe that effec-tive computer support leads to increased functionality, which means faster and more efficient Bible translation. Bible translation offers greater opportunity for more people to know about Jesus through His Word. Pray with us that we could make this happen, and happen soon.
Please pray for…
... the Helpdesk selection. Ken has been working on this non-stop for the last few months. Please pray that the team will pick the appropriate one for the right price.
… Ken's knee hurts more than it did before surgery [and we haven't finished paying for the first operation yet!]. He goes to the doctor again on June 20th to see if there is anything that can be done about it. The JAARS doctor, a general prac-titioner, stated that a knee replacement might be next option on the list.
… Anne. She experiences a lot of stress in her role. In the past, she brought the work and subsequent stress home and it was affecting her ability to sleep. Pray that she could handle the stress well and leave work at work.
… Laura and Stuart as they settle into their marriage. They are adjusting to making decisions together, taking care of business [i.e., getting insurance, transferring vehicle titles, etc.] and doing things neither one has ever done before. Ad-ditionally, Lowe‘s company policy does not allow married couples to work within the same store so Laura had to either move to another store or leave the company. She is currently working at another Lowe’s location but seeking a job that doesn’t require nights and weekends.
… furniture for Christine’s apartment. We need to take a trip to Lynchburg soon to buy her furniture for her apartment in preparation for the 2006-2007 academic year.
We’re Thankful for …
… Christine’s job. She, too, is working at Lowe’s and al-though they have a general cut back hours, she continues to receive hours just short of a full-time schedule.
.. 23 years of marriage. Our anniversary is this month on June 18th.
Thank You!

You have blessed over the years with your friendship, prayers and gifts. Thank you for being part of our team and enabling us to contribute to the task of seeing that all men, in every language, have access to the word of God in their own language – the language that speaks to the heart. Because of you, many will have the opportunity to come humbly before the Throne of grace as we do.
Yours in HIS service,
Ken, Anne,
Laura, Stuart, and Christine Haugh

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